About - Piotr Pietryga Photography

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I was born in the middle of summer 1987 in the ugliest city of Poland – Wałbrzych.
After high school my tendency to change a place to live led me to Poznań,
next to Wrocław and in the end back to Poznań where I currently live.

I’m a master of pharmacy and now I’m studying medicine at Poznan University of Medical Sciences.

Pharmacy education certainly makes my work with noble techniques easier because it is important to have a lab experience and knowledge in chemistry.
I`m doing photography from last 12 years.

15.07.2015: "10 meses", Máquinas de Outros Tempos, Porto,
individual exhibition

may 2015 "Portrait", group exhibition, Koło
march 2015 "Transformacja", galleria Pixhouse, Poznań,
group exposition
ch 2014 "Ambrotypia", gallery 2PiR, Poznań, individual exhibition
anuary 2014 "REMIS - XIX Bienalle of photography", PIK Ostrów Wlkp, group exposition
november 2013 "Frames from..", AFA Wrocław, group exposition
october 2013 "Analog meetings in Michalowice" -  WuBePe, Opole. OFF photography festival, group exposition
august 2013 "Analog meetings in Michalowice" - Firlej Wrocław, group exposition
june 2013 "Cinema Impression - Collegium Maius Poznań, group exposition
march 2013 "SILVER - wet collodion", Pauza Kraków, individual exhibition
february 2013 "The composition of time - hope - love and melancholia"
der Arrarat Dresden, group exhibition
july 2012 "Stereotype", Concordia Desing Poznań, group exhibition
july 2012 "Stereotype", Concordia Design, group exhibiton and performance (as  one the artists and the curator)
june 2012 "SILVER - wet collodion" Firlej Wrocław,  individual exhibition
mai 2012 "Cinema inspirations" - Collegium Maius Poznań, group exhibition
april 2011 "Expresionism in Art" - PWR Wrocław, group exhibition
march 2011 "Dark Side of Wrocław" - gallery ZPAF Romansque House Wrocław, group exhibition
october 2010 "Coinherence" - GCK Limanowa, individual exhibition
mai 2010 "Coinherence" - Firlej Wrocław, individual exhibition
april 2008 "Sights and Memory" - Loud Loneliness Poznań,  individual exhibition
december 2007 SARP Poznań,  group exhibition


june 2015 "Hasseblad Masters 2016 Award" - finalist in Portrait Category
june 2015 "Portrait" -  distinction
april 2015 "I love dogs because..." 1st place
may 2014
"Cinema Impressions - a movie in one picture" 2nd place
december 2013 "The Creative Culture" - 1st place
november 2013 "REMIS - 19th Biennale of photography in noble technics and digital imaging" - Grand Prix
june 2013 "My must-have" - 2nd place
mai 2012 "Film impressions" 1st place
nobember 2012 "Cinema Inspirations" 1st place
november 2012 "Inspirations" 1st place
june 2011 "IPSF Photo of the year"  1st place
mai 2010 "Film-eaters" two 2nd places and distinction
march 2010  "Dark side of Wrocław" distinction
august 2009  "Catch the moment" 2nd place

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